Thursday, September 28, 2006

Heel, be healed!

This crazy foot/heel of mine has got me in fits. I am not happy that I have pain throughout most of my day now. It's worse after a run, but has now starting aching even when I haven't run in days. It's amazing how my heel bone really is connecting to my head bone; because I'm all freaked out and obssessed about it now. I've been the good little therapist and have been treating it on my own, but it doesn't seem to respond. I haven't run since Monday, and that was a struggle to get through 3 miles without crying. I went to see my ortho. friend today, and he spent more time trying to kiss me than looking at my foot. Yep, the dude went in for a hug and kiss. Yes, I've been working with this guy for over 10 years, but not that way!!! "You're looking really good" (lean in for a hug with big furry mouth pointed at me) "Thanks" (take the hug, turn the cheek, get out now!!!)

X-rays look fine, next step MRI on Tuesday to look for a stress fracture. I am so completely bummed out about this. Even one of my students said "wow, you are human, you do get down". I typically am a pretty up-beat kinda girl, and I'm not enjoying things right now.

I used to dread looking at cross country kids during my sports medicine days. They just all seemed to have some sort of little ache or pain all the time. Head cases!! Now I'm one of them. Can you say, "Pay-back"?

I want this marathon badly. I'm already registered and I'm into the training. But, how much do I want to sacrifice. All my other P.T. friends say, "you know that if you push it now, it'll get worse, then you won't be able to even walk it". I KNOW all this stuff, but really wish I didn't feel as bad as I do by knowing it!

I remember hurting my foot as a kid and my mom prayed for it. I don't remember the injury or the cause, just that I hurt it and mom prayed for me. She even went so far as to put it in a bible! Osmosis healing??? It was tangible as a kid, but now seems a little out-there!

I put my kids boo-boo's in the freezer. I pick them up and put there little arm/leg or whatever in the freezer. By the time you do that they usually start giggling and it's over.

My mom also used to pretend to "chop it off". She would put her hand like an axe right above the boo-boo and say "1, 2, 3, chop it off (driving the "axe" down) Again, by the time she would do all of that I'd start giggling. I've tried that with Winks and it freaks him out which won't surprise the people who know him.

So those are my options. I'm still planning on a 9 mile run with my training partners on Saturday. I know that I've done no substantial running all week, so I'm hoping that the rest will show and I'll be able to gut it out. I may not be able to run again for another week, but I have to do this. The bike is on the trainer all ready so I could bike it out I guess. Would double miles on the bike equal out to a run?

I don't know about all of that.

I do know that this chick is unhappy!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Motivation on a rainy day

I'm wiped out today boys and girls! Midterm exams all day today and I'm just finishing my day at school right now, and have yet to get my run in. Dinner was in the crock pot all day so that helps, but I miss my family!! So this is just a short post to let you know I needed some motivation this week and I found it through a story in blog-land.

I have been so inspired the past week reading blogs from people who did Ironman Wisconsin. It was a torrid day with awful weather, and some folks finished and some did not. I am most inspired by Ironwil. Check her out on my links. I'd attempt linking here but not sure I'm ready for that!!!

This lady really laid it all out there and ended up DNF (for my non-tri friends; that's Did Not Finish) at the half marathon point. Unbelieveable writer and motivater. Check her out and get a box of tissues, it's a cry-fest!

She is using her DNF as motivation and has learned so much about who she is through this process. The biggest thoughts in my head about attempting Ironman go through many people's minds. Self-doubt about training, let alone finishing the thing!! It's the numbers though that spoke to me. I play number games during training too, and I'ts so hard to block them out sometimes. How do we just be who we are, and not focus on our number. We are more than the numbers, more than our weight number, the number of miles swam, biked and ran, the number on our chest during the event. Self-doubt......can't run away from it, gotta run through it! Read it, it's really amazing!

So bye for now!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Yea, yea, yeaaaaa check it out. I had a real "training weekend" this past weekend. I am feeling good! I felt like I was back in my triathlon training sans the water. I did my scheduled marathon training on Saturday with my training partners;7 problem, just pounded it out! Yeah that's right! Just a mile and 1/2 under my longest distance ever!!

Side note.....I am training with 2 of my students. One of them was running behind me at the beginning of the run and she noticed the oddity of my running gait. I have a really funky gait pattern in my right leg. I have a heel whip and a really strange toe off. It's not that noticeable if you don't know what to look for but they have been taught to look for this kind of stuff! I've tried all kinds of stuff to change it, but it's just me and I have to live with it. So, anyway I had to explain all of my hip/knee/ankle pathology throughout the rest of the run.

Then yesterday, I did a 35 mile bike tour with some P.T. friends. It was to raise money for cystic fibrosis and there were about 100 bikes there. It was fun. I re-connected with some friends that I haven't talked to in a while. how I have missed my bike. I just love biking. I love the lactic acid feeling in my legs, I love the wind, I love aero position, I love dodging road kill, I love getting somewhere and looking around at the same time. My legs were pretty tight for about an hour afterwards but it was a good feeling.

After all of that I met the family for lunch and took The Bug home while the boys went to the Indian's game. They had a great time. They had "kids run the bases day" so Winks was down on the field after the game doing the running thing. I asked him if it was hard and he said he was tired afterwards. Ceito said that each kid was up on the jumbo-tron while they were running. That would have been cool to see. While all of that was going on The Bug and Mommy took a 2 hour nap. I really debated on whether or not to do it, but fatigue and school stress have really been diggin' at me the past week. I have midterms at school this week (I'm on a condensed 8 week instead of 16 week schedule), and I really get as nervous for written and practical exams as my students do. So, it's stressful overall, so I slept! No laundry was done, no ironing was done, vaccumming and dusting should have been done, but hey....I got a nap!!!! A real nap!! By myself, on the couch, sleepin' good! Yeah! I felt pretty guilty when I got up, but less tired!

As far as my blog status. Right now things seem to be going okay. So for now I'm sticking around. Check out some of the links of people I've been following. I'm partial to triathletes, especially ones who are moms and wives. It seems that I really look for motivation from these ladies who are also working hard to get it all done before they die, so to speak! Wow, morbid but true! So, TAH, TAH For Now (T.T.F.N)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

To stay or not to stay; that is the question

I really have no idea what is going on with this blog. I change things around and they seem to be working against me. I'm considering starting over, but I'll let you know where to find me if I do follow through with that. Right now, I seem to be in a holding pattern with trying to post things on my sidebar. I put them on, then they all go to the bottom of my side bar. Now it seems that you can only see about 1/2 of my page. I don't know....I don't know....I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the blog-cano blows.....just a little Jimmy Buffet to keep it light!!

Training is going great. In fact that is one thing I've been working on putting in the side bar. I thought I had it figured out, then poof it's gone! Had a good run yesterday, not looking forward to tonight's only because I think I have achilles tendonitis all ready! Yikes! It's hurting, but it's tolerable for now. My training partners are awesome. We are pretty evenly matched and all three of us will do 7 miles together on Saturday. I'm looking forward to that with some nervousness, but know that once I hit 3 miles my body just keeps right on going. It seems that the first 2 miles are the hardest for me.........then..........."okay I guess you really do want me to run huh?"................. I feel good after that.

Tah Tah for now as I keep trying to decide what to do with this blog. If I do move, I need a new name. I found out recently that there is already a TriMama out there in blog land, so I don't want to take her identity. Any ideas what to call me? I thought about TriHim........but if you don't "get that" it makes me sound like a boy. I like having "Tri" in there somewhere as that's what I really love right now in sports, but I doesn't have to define me either. I just don't want to use the name mom and dad gave know.....protect the innocent and also......I entered the witness protection program about 13 years ago when I tried to hide from my college alma mater to stop their solicitation for donation calls!!!

Any suggestions on the name? Send 'em!

Out for now...........................

Monday, September 11, 2006

I need Help for my Blogger Help!

Just a little note to let you know that I am getting frustrated with trying to get stuff onto my sidebar. I cannot seem to figure out why all my sidebar stuff is at the bottom of my page!! ARRRGGHHH!!! Just when I think I'm figuring it out I get a glitch! Oh well that makes the figuring it out all that much better in the end right??? Right!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Baptist and a Nazarene walk into a bar...........

Now that I have your attention it really went like this..............

A Baptist and a Nazarene pulled into a parking lot. The nice Nazarene (me, yep it's me) was pulling in behind the Baptist who was driving his church bus into the church parking lot. It was very dark, the Nazarene was coming home from an annual get-together at her granmother's house. She had her 3 year old beautiful blond headed daughter sleeping in the back of her sporty mini-van. The Baptist was driving the church bus with no tail lights working on it. The Nazarene was dismayed by the lack of safety and also by the fact that she almost ran into the back of the bus since it was barely visible. She felt that the driver should know about the issue, so decided to follow the bus into aformentioned driveway. She pulled in behind the bus as the driver was parking and got out.

"I don't mean to scare you, but I almost ran into the back of your bus becasue you don't have any tail lights. Just wanted you to know so you can address it later"

"Oh my goodness, thanks so much for letting me know. I could have really hurt someone"

"No problem, I live close by and thought I would just let you know"

"Thanks again"


The Nazarene then backed out from behind the bus barely missing a large dumpster. She stopped and pulled a bit forward to change her exit angle, and proceeded to back out again.


"Oh no that didn't sound good. What have I done now?"

She backed her grocery-gitter up a bit further and realized that she ran over the landscape timber placed on the edge of the driveway.

"We seem to be a bit side-ways in this vehicle. Lop-sided may be a better word. All I am sure of is that I'm in trouble!"

She got out of the van and went to the front of the vehicle to see that she had a very, very flat tire! She picked up her phone called the male Nazarene of the house and explained her situation. Upon noticing that she was not leaving the parking lot the Baptist approached her and said..........

"Wow, you have a flat tire"


The Baptist took charge and began the process of changing the tire out for the donut spare. The male Nazarene arrived about 15 minutes later to find the Baptist dirty, dusty, and full of vigor as he changed the Nazarene's tire. 30 minutes later the Baptist replaced the jack went on his way, and the Nazarene's helped the youngest blond child pee on the side of the road as she awoke to find that her mommy and daddy and brother were all in the same place and they weren't there before she went to sleep!

I'm blown away by the irony of this situation.

Go Large Baby, Go Large!

I'm registered and now have made flight and hotel reservations! How committed is that? Pretty committed! I'm very excited about this marathon. I had been tossing around the idea of it for several months and as you know have been struggling with goal setting as of late, so what better way to whip my goal setting funk than to..................go large baby! go large!

I've really gone large in the past with other things too. The first time I ever went down hill skiing was in Lake Tahoe (beautiful, oh my goodness so beautiful). My first "major" triathlon was at Wildflower (loved it, just didn't like being away from the fam.) Now my first marathon will be in Disney (which I haven't been to since I was 18, and my kids have never been to), with 16,000 people!!! I am super excited!!

I'm working on posting my training schedule in the sidebar. Haven't figured that out yet. I did finally figure out how to do links. I don't have a lot of other blogs that I frequent, but I do check most of the ones listed almost every day. It's fun figuring all this out, it just takes some time!

For now keep checking back to see how I've progressed on getting these things working in my own little brain, then I'll get them on the blog.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I'm in!!!

In big trouble that is!!! No, not really. I just pushed the button to register for Disney Marathon!!! I'm very excited that I've made that leap. Now it's time for some serious goal setting and very serious training. I have 2 training partners who are going to do the race with me, and I'm very excited about that. Ceito and the kids are going too, so I'm very excited that the kids will see Disney for the first time on the same weekend that I do my first marathon. Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Very excited!!