Friday, May 09, 2008

How is it possible?

That my baby girl is now 5 years old??

Her birthday was last Saturday and 6 days later I'm still reeling. It's just so odd. How fast life is going. SLOW. DOWN. PLEASE.

Here she is next to her birthday cake. My sister in law owns a cake and candy business and let me tell you that girl makes me cry everytime I see one of my kid's cakes. They are just too pretty to cut. But when we do finally cut it I cry becasue I eat too much of it!!

A close up of the cake. With a picture of auntie and the birthday girl below.

She had a ballerina party and I'm thrilled that she wanted to wear that blue ballet recital dress. I'd let her wear it everyday if she wanted to.

No longer looking like a baby, or a toddler. Big girl, with a big girl heart and a big girl smile. Oh I wish I could just stop time right here. She's still cuddly, but independent enough to dress herself and help with small chores. I just can't get over how fast things have gone.
I've written before about how time is a big issue in my life. I seem to be on a constant time machine. Run here and run there. I keep thinking that next fall a lot of these issues will be less crazy, due to the fact that Winks and The Bug will be in the same school. No more running to the minivan and heading to the sitter's house 2 days a week during my lunch to run across town drop of The Bug at preschool, then jump back in the mini to get back for a one o'clock class. Really, it's only 2 days a week I've had to do that, but it feels so much like an endless carousel at times!
High speed coming up in just 8 days at the Cleveland Marathon. Planning to have a great time. Number one goal is to finish the 1/2 before the first person finishes the full! I did it by 10 minutes in Columbus! I can do that again!
Here's to the carousel. May it stop spinning very soon!


Blogger triguyjt said...

your daughter is a real cutie.....happy b day and many more....

i saw the video of ed marx giving the medal to the lady who is fighting cancer.....what a touching moment....he really gets it....
swim lake erie.....when are you guys gonna do this???how...from where to where...etc....I would love to do that.... its been a dream to do it solo...but..thats huge....

as for mapping your runs...i found a real cool. you can draw diff routes and you save gas. no longer will you have to go drive the route to see how far it is...haha
good luck in the cleve foot, and now knee are giving me concern, but I am gonna lace em up....
have a great moms day

12:12 PM  

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