Thursday, September 28, 2006

Heel, be healed!

This crazy foot/heel of mine has got me in fits. I am not happy that I have pain throughout most of my day now. It's worse after a run, but has now starting aching even when I haven't run in days. It's amazing how my heel bone really is connecting to my head bone; because I'm all freaked out and obssessed about it now. I've been the good little therapist and have been treating it on my own, but it doesn't seem to respond. I haven't run since Monday, and that was a struggle to get through 3 miles without crying. I went to see my ortho. friend today, and he spent more time trying to kiss me than looking at my foot. Yep, the dude went in for a hug and kiss. Yes, I've been working with this guy for over 10 years, but not that way!!! "You're looking really good" (lean in for a hug with big furry mouth pointed at me) "Thanks" (take the hug, turn the cheek, get out now!!!)

X-rays look fine, next step MRI on Tuesday to look for a stress fracture. I am so completely bummed out about this. Even one of my students said "wow, you are human, you do get down". I typically am a pretty up-beat kinda girl, and I'm not enjoying things right now.

I used to dread looking at cross country kids during my sports medicine days. They just all seemed to have some sort of little ache or pain all the time. Head cases!! Now I'm one of them. Can you say, "Pay-back"?

I want this marathon badly. I'm already registered and I'm into the training. But, how much do I want to sacrifice. All my other P.T. friends say, "you know that if you push it now, it'll get worse, then you won't be able to even walk it". I KNOW all this stuff, but really wish I didn't feel as bad as I do by knowing it!

I remember hurting my foot as a kid and my mom prayed for it. I don't remember the injury or the cause, just that I hurt it and mom prayed for me. She even went so far as to put it in a bible! Osmosis healing??? It was tangible as a kid, but now seems a little out-there!

I put my kids boo-boo's in the freezer. I pick them up and put there little arm/leg or whatever in the freezer. By the time you do that they usually start giggling and it's over.

My mom also used to pretend to "chop it off". She would put her hand like an axe right above the boo-boo and say "1, 2, 3, chop it off (driving the "axe" down) Again, by the time she would do all of that I'd start giggling. I've tried that with Winks and it freaks him out which won't surprise the people who know him.

So those are my options. I'm still planning on a 9 mile run with my training partners on Saturday. I know that I've done no substantial running all week, so I'm hoping that the rest will show and I'll be able to gut it out. I may not be able to run again for another week, but I have to do this. The bike is on the trainer all ready so I could bike it out I guess. Would double miles on the bike equal out to a run?

I don't know about all of that.

I do know that this chick is unhappy!


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