Monday, September 18, 2006

Yea, yea, yeaaaaa check it out. I had a real "training weekend" this past weekend. I am feeling good! I felt like I was back in my triathlon training sans the water. I did my scheduled marathon training on Saturday with my training partners;7 problem, just pounded it out! Yeah that's right! Just a mile and 1/2 under my longest distance ever!!

Side note.....I am training with 2 of my students. One of them was running behind me at the beginning of the run and she noticed the oddity of my running gait. I have a really funky gait pattern in my right leg. I have a heel whip and a really strange toe off. It's not that noticeable if you don't know what to look for but they have been taught to look for this kind of stuff! I've tried all kinds of stuff to change it, but it's just me and I have to live with it. So, anyway I had to explain all of my hip/knee/ankle pathology throughout the rest of the run.

Then yesterday, I did a 35 mile bike tour with some P.T. friends. It was to raise money for cystic fibrosis and there were about 100 bikes there. It was fun. I re-connected with some friends that I haven't talked to in a while. how I have missed my bike. I just love biking. I love the lactic acid feeling in my legs, I love the wind, I love aero position, I love dodging road kill, I love getting somewhere and looking around at the same time. My legs were pretty tight for about an hour afterwards but it was a good feeling.

After all of that I met the family for lunch and took The Bug home while the boys went to the Indian's game. They had a great time. They had "kids run the bases day" so Winks was down on the field after the game doing the running thing. I asked him if it was hard and he said he was tired afterwards. Ceito said that each kid was up on the jumbo-tron while they were running. That would have been cool to see. While all of that was going on The Bug and Mommy took a 2 hour nap. I really debated on whether or not to do it, but fatigue and school stress have really been diggin' at me the past week. I have midterms at school this week (I'm on a condensed 8 week instead of 16 week schedule), and I really get as nervous for written and practical exams as my students do. So, it's stressful overall, so I slept! No laundry was done, no ironing was done, vaccumming and dusting should have been done, but hey....I got a nap!!!! A real nap!! By myself, on the couch, sleepin' good! Yeah! I felt pretty guilty when I got up, but less tired!

As far as my blog status. Right now things seem to be going okay. So for now I'm sticking around. Check out some of the links of people I've been following. I'm partial to triathletes, especially ones who are moms and wives. It seems that I really look for motivation from these ladies who are also working hard to get it all done before they die, so to speak! Wow, morbid but true! So, TAH, TAH For Now (T.T.F.N)


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