Friday, March 16, 2007

Welcome to.......

Northeast Ohio...........where on Tuesday I ran 4 miles outside, went to school for my office hours which 1 1/2 hours into it I tanked one was coming to see me anyway! Then, I came home and rode 10 miles on my bike, with both wheels actually touching pavement! I then contemplated going for a 1 mile run just to say I actually did a brick, outside, but I had a student show up at my house (an advantage and disadvantage to living "on-campus") to take a state laws and rules exam (a scheduled appointment which the sunshine and 70 degree weather had zapped from my mental schedule). Then on Wednesday I spent the entire day inside doing practical examinations.......yuck.........but, my kids both wore jackets to school, and The Bug actually had a skirt on.....without tights!! Beautiful day, and I was inside! Yuck! But I don't care it was gorgeous!!

Only to be awakened by 2 inches of snow on the ground yesterday!!!! You have got to be kidding!!! I didn't even bring the bike back into the house and put it back on the trainer........I'm just sick of it!! The trainer and the weather! I was happy yesterday though, because even though it had snowed it was pretty. We live on a tree-lined street, and the trees are so old that they have met in the middle of the street and form a canopy the entire length of the street. The snow was light and stuck to the tree branches, and it was gorgeous! So, I lived with the snow for a few hours, then it melted all away since it was a big ol' 44 degrees yesterday!

But, right now it's a blizzard outside! Yikes! Supposed to get 2-4 inches this morning. It's okay though, I can do this, I won't pout! I just want consistency! The tease on Tuesday and Wednesday was cute, but I WANT MORE! ......................kick...........scream...........fuss......whine!!

Oh well, what ya gonna do??? I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do............go swim! It's always nice and warm there! At the Y I mean..........not in our lil' pond called Lake Erie, across the street.

Training is going well. I've really begun to enjoy the muscle soreness of weight training again. I've lost 20 pounds now, and am looking to lose about 10 more. I actually just had a student comment on my muscles!! She is from the Philipenes (I know it's spelled wrong mom, and I have no time to "look it up") and apparently there is no communication topic that is off limits to that culture!! Those 10 pounds won't probably happen in the next 4 weeks, like I had scheduled them to (again, my schedule doesn't seem to match my body's)! But, that's okay. I'm 10 weeks out from my first tri. for the summer and I'm excited to begin that training program in 2 more weeks. Overall, I feel so much better than I did post-marathon. Which is crazy I know! My body did not respond to that amount of running the way I had planned (my plan -vs-my body's plan again) But, I do have to admit that the food factor played a big role too. I'm eating small portioned meals more frequently throughout the day.

I'm considering putting my pre and post muscle training pictures on the blog, but I'm just not that confident yet. I still have 3 more weeks in my 12 week program, and maybe I'll have more confidence then. The pictures are pretty crazy! My start picture is just gross! I had no idea! I shoved myself into a bikini and tried to wasn't pretty!!! But I've taken a new picture in the same bikini every 4 weeks and the changes are amazing! Ceito is doing this 12 week program too, and I gotta tell ya....................

He's HAWT!!!!!!


Muscles baby, they are sexaaay!!

Sorry you had to read that mom and dad!!!

He's even considering shaving and tanning!!!! I'll make him into a triathlete yet!!! Don't tell him I told you ANY of that..........he'll freak!!

Today's plan is to lift upper body then swim........that's always fun! If you get the chance to see the first 500 meters of that sometime, do it, 'cause it's just funny! Especially if I'm sharing a lane!!! I've got no idea where my arms are before they hit the water!!! It really is funny! Pure proprioception (I can spell that mom!) training!

Gotta go teach some stuff! That's just scary to me sometimes!! That I do this for a living!!! So for now, remember that............

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily" Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Got a tuba we can rent??

My 6 year old child has never touched the basketball in a game situation since the season started. Ceito and I really talked him up on the way to the game last night.

"you'll get the ball passed to you if you get away from the person guarding you; so when that happens tonight yell for the ball, then dribble it down to your basket and shoot it"

"okay, okay........get open, get ball, dribble, shoot, score! sounds good, I'm ready!"

"you can do it buddy, you're ready to score"

"yeah, I'm ready, let's go"

The time finally came..........he was open and got the ball passed to him...........oh yeah he looked great, ready to dribble, shoot, and score..............he took the ball to the wrong end of the court!!! The ref. stopped him (this is just midget ball) and sent him to the other end. dribbling was done........just the run with the ball and look really scared moves were made.....he ran and ran and ran with that ball all along the 3 point arc, back and forth, back and forth.......

"shoot the ball"..................."pass it"..................."dribble"................."shoot it".............."dribble and shoot"....................

The screaming went on and on and on and on at least a minute and a half...........

"shoot it"................"dribble"................."pass"...............

Then my little 6 year old (smallest kid on the court, cutest too by the way), with his glasses sliding down his nose, and shorts hanging below his little knees, halted his manic 3 point arc run, held the ball up over his head and screamed back at all the loving parents in the stands..................


I just about peeeed my did most of the parents in the stands.

He got right back into his run and finally just gave the ball to another kid on the other team!

This child never ceases to amaze me. He is just beyond his years! And he's not basketball star, but I don't care. That kid was so proud of himself and so was I. He finally got a chance to hold that ball and he is still grinning!! And so am I!!

So........................Marching Band here comes Winks!!!