Thursday, September 21, 2006

Motivation on a rainy day

I'm wiped out today boys and girls! Midterm exams all day today and I'm just finishing my day at school right now, and have yet to get my run in. Dinner was in the crock pot all day so that helps, but I miss my family!! So this is just a short post to let you know I needed some motivation this week and I found it through a story in blog-land.

I have been so inspired the past week reading blogs from people who did Ironman Wisconsin. It was a torrid day with awful weather, and some folks finished and some did not. I am most inspired by Ironwil. Check her out on my links. I'd attempt linking here but not sure I'm ready for that!!!

This lady really laid it all out there and ended up DNF (for my non-tri friends; that's Did Not Finish) at the half marathon point. Unbelieveable writer and motivater. Check her out and get a box of tissues, it's a cry-fest!

She is using her DNF as motivation and has learned so much about who she is through this process. The biggest thoughts in my head about attempting Ironman go through many people's minds. Self-doubt about training, let alone finishing the thing!! It's the numbers though that spoke to me. I play number games during training too, and I'ts so hard to block them out sometimes. How do we just be who we are, and not focus on our number. We are more than the numbers, more than our weight number, the number of miles swam, biked and ran, the number on our chest during the event. Self-doubt......can't run away from it, gotta run through it! Read it, it's really amazing!

So bye for now!


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