Sunday, July 06, 2008

OBX 2008

Yeah, Yeah, I know...........haven't posted in over a month. Well no excuse like the truth......

I'm Just Plain Enjoying My SUMMER!!!

No summer school for Ceito this year, and the kids are now done with activities. And we are just enjoying each others company. I'm not gonna lie, we are still busy it seems, but our motto is "SIMPLIFY"!

So, I guess I'll let ya in on what's goin' on.

We just returned from vacation in the Outer Banks. We are in love again. We haven't been there for 4 years and we loved it then, but life got in the way and we never made it back. So when the opportunity to go came up with some friends we jumped at it.

We rented a great house in Corolla (north beaches). The house was good, not one we would use again only because it was in a club with amenities that we never used.

We will go again. Corolla has sunk into our hearts! We also went with a great family. Enjoyed their company and our kids had a blast together.

So here's a recap...........

My boys pool side at the house.

The wild horses..........gorgeous. We rented jeeps the last full day we were there and turned the corner onto the 4X4 beach (a few jeeps here and there, not many people, fresh sand, beautiful views) and saw this..........oh my..........yep, I cried!
After I dried the tears I ordered us out of the Jeep and had our friends take some pics. I planned the matching outfits and I'm glad we wore them this day! Just beautiful!
After the "formal picture" We all stripped down and drove up and down the beach and played on the dunes. It was just breath-taking!
Another "formal" picture. This is my favorite! Serene, can't you hear the waves??
Ask the kids, "what was your favorite thing about vacation?", they ALL said Mini-golf.............arghhh, I could have taken them to mini golf at Geneva on the Lake and saved a few grand!!!!

Yeah.......he's just HAWT.............and I got to take him home!!
Winks had some eye issues at the beginning of the week. Salt water, sun, chlorine........all his enemies. He has VERY sensitive eyes, and some other eye issues that compound the sensitivity. On the 2nd day, I bought him a real pair of goggles and they kept the water, sun, sand, chlorine out and we got our happy Winker Bean back!
They loved the ocean!
They loved the pool too!

Yeah..........ummm.........The Bug and Zach...........they were just cute all week long. Other than the fact that he's 11 and she's 5 I would consider an arranged marriage in the future! They just adore one another. She followed him around and he tolerated it very well.

She's just adorable!
You can't see the face, but he is in the process of spitting out salt water. He forgot he wasn't in Lake Erie, and took in some big gulps at first! Poor guy!
My kids, just the way I like 'em.........confined!!

This is the house. Pretty, nice, cute, it worked.

Shooting sling shot airplanes.
Rained the first day there so we went to the Currituck Lighthouse. Climbed it for $7 each, yikes! Then I remembered all the race fees I've paid to do much worse to myself and sucked it up and paid the fee!
At the top of the lighthouse.
Lots of stairs for all those little legs!
It went way too fast. I loved every single minute and cried when we left. I miss it already, and know that I want to go back soon...............OBX marathon is in November! Yes it is. If I had the cash I would jump on that pronto. But, alas, I stimulated the economy with the purchase of a new camera, since mine got hit with a big wave...........busted bad, so no marathon. Oh well.
That's it. That's a short re-cap. I have much more, but will share in person to those of you who care at all!!
On a training note...........Columbus marathon is the next big event. October 18!
I'm out!


Blogger Mandie said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about some broken links on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.

Mandie Hayes

2:16 AM  

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