Thursday, May 15, 2008

The week in review

It has been one crazy week! I finished a very stressful semester, and it seems that my kids activities and schedules have really ramped up as well. Ceito is really just exhausted with all of the running around and it seems that a lot of these schedule issues should be over with after the marathon on Sunday.

So I decided to do a bit of a review. I took pictures all week, so I might as well share. I'm jumping around a little, because I downloaded the pictures wrong! Oh well, I'll keep ya on your toes!!

Last night.................

Winks was honored as an award winning author!

He entered the Reading Rainbow Young Authors and Illustrators contest, and was chosen as a runner up for First Grade. This is a program that he saw advertised on PBS last year and he entered then as well and won 2nd place last year in the kindergarten division. This program received over 300 entries and of those his book was chosen as a 3rd place winner in 1st grade. The PBS station is in Pennsylvania, so our school does not enter it, he just entered on his own. Pretty cool kid! We went to the "writer's party" last night in Edinboro, PA. He read his book called "The Climbing Cat", and received some prizes. His favorite prize is a gift card to Borders.

This is a picture of Winks with his teacher who came to the party with us. He looked so cute and grown up in his little suit.

A picture of the program!

Reading his book into the microphone.

No party is complete without cake! Enjoying sweets with dad!

All of us with our little author!


Mother's Day at our church is full of kids programs. The little preschoolers (Patty Cake Praisers) do a short program full of silly little things and cute little kids, then the big kids do a musical that they practice for months. Both programs were great and Winks even had a solo this year!

There's our Bug being a Veggie Tale!

Winks' musical was called "Livin' inside out in an Upside Down World" It was very nicely done and had a very strong message about living for Christ in a world that lives for the flesh. I love learning from my children!


Winks had his first coach pitch baseball game.

It was a good game in which he got his very first ever OUT. In tee ball the kids never get out, but in coach pitch they do. He hit the ball each time he got up, but the first time he hit he got out at first...........ran too slow. He was pretty upset and the picture below is he and Ceito talking about it. Ceito said Winks started to tear up, but held it together pretty well. It took some explaining to him for him to understand what happened and that he needs to beat the ball to first base when he hits it.

Winks only played 30 minutes, then we loaded back into the truck and headed back to the church for another musical performance. The picture below is not one of my peeps....he belongs to a friend. He was the M.C. and did a great job. I thought it was a picture of Winks when I downloaded it, but decided to keep it in anyway!

That is my guy below. He was soooo tired by this time. He did a great job! What an amazing kid!

Last Friday..................

The Bug's Mother's Day Tea at preschool.

Every year the preschool does a Mother's Day Tea. Last year Ceito actually went to it, because I had a final exam to give that day. He had fun, but I was not going to miss it this year. I did have a final to give, but I explained the situation to my boss, and he offered to give the final for me! What a great boss!!

The Bug's class getting ready to sing us a Mom's day song, then give us those cute little paper flowers!

So stinkin' cute!A little chocolate pudding makes a good skin mask!
Me and My Bug!

Earlier that same day...............

The Bug had her 5 year Physical. 40.5 pounds and 41" tall. Yep, she's a peanut!

Up above, she gives us her 5! Down below the arm squeezer!
The medical student checked her out first......yep, heart beats good!
Then our favorite doctor checked her out. See the 5 again? Think she's proud?

So that's a little bit of what we've done in the past 7 days.
The next 3 days will be just as full. Tomorrow will be Bug's last day of school, with a picnic by the lake, then she and I will go to dinner and the ballet with friends.
Saturday morning will be a coach pitch game again, then marathon packet pick up in Cleveland.
Sunday is the BIG DAY!!! I can't believe it's here! Marathon starts at, run, run some more...............jump in the van, drive home and go to The Bug's preschool graduation!!! Then folks, I'm going to Eddie's grill in Geneva On The Lake and I'm havin' me a burger and a lemonade! Then I'll go home, play with the greatest family and the greatest dog, then put 'em all in bed, and probably drink a glass of wine with me Ceito!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

I came across your site while looking for info on the Ashtabula triathlon. I can't remember your husband's name, but he was good friends with my brother, I think. Tell him Danny McCarthy's little sister says hi.

11:02 PM  

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