Thursday, December 20, 2007

10 Years!

10 years ago today, I woke up knowing that my life was going to be changed in many ways.

I was going to lose some of the independence that a 27 year old girl on her own for several years has had; I was going to become more than just me, I was becoming a wife, and that scared me. I have a great model of a wife and mom from my mom and I just knew that it would take MANY years for me to develop into that kind of wife.............scary!

I knew that I was gaining a new family. Ceito's family has been wonderful to me. Being so far away from my own family is hard, but they soften that for me many times with their care and their support. Not that I don't need my own parents, Lord knows thats far from the truth, but his family is rich in love and I appreciate that.

I knew that I was gaining unconditional love from a man I felt I didn't deserve. This guy is amazing and I'm not just saying that because he's mine. How many guys would put up with a crazy lady like me? None, but him, because I think I tried out MANY before learning that a calm man is what I needed in my life. I'm high speed, high maintenance, crazy, fast, talkative, moody, fly-by -the-seat-of-my-pants, impulsive............Ceito is not any of those things........he's calm, unemotional, easy going, slow paced, roll out of bed happy, nose to the grindstone, organized.........all the things I need in my life. With all of these opposites in personality we mesh well together. I crank him up when he needs it and he reminds me to slow down and enjoy life when I need to. Comfortable, easy relationship!

I would never say that our 10 years have been tough because I know that somewhere some couples have had a lot harder life than ours. We've been blessed with 2 healthy beautiful children, a home, a family, and a fairly easy life style. We have had our low points as well; losing a baby, losing a friend, watching our best friends lose a child, family changes and heartbreak. But amid all of that we have come out strong. Our spiritual relationships have grown tremendously and I cry every time I think about the turmoil in our lives during the time when we both sat on our knees and Ceito gave his life to Christ. That turmoil has never been matched and I pray that it never is, but I know for sure that we can handle it together and by God's strength and grace in our lives.

He supports me in all my crazy endeavors. I'm adventurous and he knows that, and he allows that side of me to grow. He is the best husband that I didn't know I could have. I always felt like I would have to settle for a husband, like I really didn't deserve happiness in my life. Oh, how I was so wrong. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this man!

So today 10 years later I think of our wedding day and how worked up I got about stupid little things..........the flowers weren't perfect, the poinsettias at the church were moved away before we finished pictures, the photographer was a pain, the ceremony was too quick, my dress got caught on the aisle runner................all stupid things I worried about! They just don't matter. What matters is now.........the comfortable relaxed relationship I have with Ceito. I love it! I love him and I'm so grateful!

Today we will go to Ogelbay. We've never been there and I'm looking forward to seeing the world famous lights. I'm looking forward to reminising the fun times and enjoying our time alone. What greater gift?? It is our Diamond anniversary according to traditional custom, but I would settle for carbon...........Cervelo??? I doubt it, but it doesn't matter. The love, hope and peace in my life outweighs any gift!

Love ya Ceito!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Dance Lessons finally pay Off!!