Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Baptist and a Nazarene walk into a bar...........

Now that I have your attention it really went like this..............

A Baptist and a Nazarene pulled into a parking lot. The nice Nazarene (me, yep it's me) was pulling in behind the Baptist who was driving his church bus into the church parking lot. It was very dark, the Nazarene was coming home from an annual get-together at her granmother's house. She had her 3 year old beautiful blond headed daughter sleeping in the back of her sporty mini-van. The Baptist was driving the church bus with no tail lights working on it. The Nazarene was dismayed by the lack of safety and also by the fact that she almost ran into the back of the bus since it was barely visible. She felt that the driver should know about the issue, so decided to follow the bus into aformentioned driveway. She pulled in behind the bus as the driver was parking and got out.

"I don't mean to scare you, but I almost ran into the back of your bus becasue you don't have any tail lights. Just wanted you to know so you can address it later"

"Oh my goodness, thanks so much for letting me know. I could have really hurt someone"

"No problem, I live close by and thought I would just let you know"

"Thanks again"


The Nazarene then backed out from behind the bus barely missing a large dumpster. She stopped and pulled a bit forward to change her exit angle, and proceeded to back out again.


"Oh no that didn't sound good. What have I done now?"

She backed her grocery-gitter up a bit further and realized that she ran over the landscape timber placed on the edge of the driveway.

"We seem to be a bit side-ways in this vehicle. Lop-sided may be a better word. All I am sure of is that I'm in trouble!"

She got out of the van and went to the front of the vehicle to see that she had a very, very flat tire! She picked up her phone called the male Nazarene of the house and explained her situation. Upon noticing that she was not leaving the parking lot the Baptist approached her and said..........

"Wow, you have a flat tire"


The Baptist took charge and began the process of changing the tire out for the donut spare. The male Nazarene arrived about 15 minutes later to find the Baptist dirty, dusty, and full of vigor as he changed the Nazarene's tire. 30 minutes later the Baptist replaced the jack went on his way, and the Nazarene's helped the youngest blond child pee on the side of the road as she awoke to find that her mommy and daddy and brother were all in the same place and they weren't there before she went to sleep!

I'm blown away by the irony of this situation.


Blogger Deborah said...

Girl, you are so funny! Your dad and I had a riot over this one!

3:15 PM  

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