Goal time is coming!
I've been really wanting to set some training/fitness/race goals for 2007, but have been focusing on life instead of organized training. I've been doing the Body For Life program for 3 weeks now and have lost about 9 pounds of that lard that was in that Disney picture. The focus of the program has been weight training which I had gotten away from for a while. It's all coming back to me........ the muscle soreness is beyond my memory...............I hate muscle soreness, that's why I stopped lifting during the marathon training..........too sore to walk, let alone run! the yucky, smelly, don't -talk -to -you -if -you're- a- girl, grunting, hard-headed men........scratch that..........boys..........in the weight room. come on you're not that great, stop checking yourself out in the mirror after every set!!! Basically I've switched my focus from just pure aerobic training 6 days a week, to weight training 3 days a week, swimming 2 days a week, biking 2 days a week, and running 3 days a week. It's crazy how sore I've been! But my body is slowly warming up to this new idea. I've downloaded and printed a Team In Training Philly Tri schedule from the Wildflower coach last year. I would love to work with him again........he was very motivating, yet sensible. I just can't swing the fund-raising, and the travel to Cleveland for training this year. They are going back to Wildflower next year..........maybe I could do that.........but not without Ceito! So, I plan on following the Philly schedule in order to get ready for....................????? Cleveland 1/2 marathon........May 20 Deer Creek. Tri.........June 3, Sprint Buckey Lake Tri..........July 15, Olympic Ashtabula Tri..............July 22, sprint Steelhead 1/2 Iron Tri.........Aug. 4 All questionable, but I'm hoping to run these by Ceito and see what he thinks. I don't have a gut feeling on any. Just would love to do that 1/2 Ironman!!! It's way expensive though and I don't want to put the money up if I don't think I can hack it. I'm playing the wait and see what my body does game for now, then I'll make a decision. I've already missed the first price jump on the Cleveland 1/2 so, I have until the end of Feb. to register for that if it doesn't close! If it does so what?? I'll still train for it! Hope to do it with one of my Disney partners.........she wants to do one in Cincy at the beginning of May, and I just can't commit to that right now. That's only 12 weeks away! So, that's what's on my "gettin' ready to set some goals list". I'll let you know what happens!!! |