Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Got a tuba we can rent??

My 6 year old child has never touched the basketball in a game situation since the season started. Ceito and I really talked him up on the way to the game last night.

"you'll get the ball passed to you if you get away from the person guarding you; so when that happens tonight yell for the ball, then dribble it down to your basket and shoot it"

"okay, okay........get open, get ball, dribble, shoot, score! sounds good, I'm ready!"

"you can do it buddy, you're ready to score"

"yeah, I'm ready, let's go"

The time finally came..........he was open and got the ball passed to him...........oh yeah he looked great, ready to dribble, shoot, and score..............he took the ball to the wrong end of the court!!! The ref. stopped him (this is just midget ball) and sent him to the other end. Well.............no dribbling was done........just the run with the ball and look really scared moves were made.....he ran and ran and ran with that ball all along the 3 point arc, back and forth, back and forth.......

"shoot the ball"..................."pass it"..................."dribble"................."shoot it".............."dribble and shoot"....................

The screaming went on and on and on and on at least a minute and a half...........

"shoot it"................"dribble"................."pass"...............

Then my little 6 year old (smallest kid on the court, cutest too by the way), with his glasses sliding down his nose, and shorts hanging below his little knees, halted his manic 3 point arc run, held the ball up over his head and screamed back at all the loving parents in the stands..................


I just about peeeed my pants...............as did most of the parents in the stands.

He got right back into his run and finally just gave the ball to another kid on the other team!

This child never ceases to amaze me. He is just beyond his years! And he's not basketball star, but I don't care. That kid was so proud of himself and so was I. He finally got a chance to hold that ball and he is still grinning!! And so am I!!

So........................Marching Band here comes Winks!!!


Blogger Deborah said...

This is hysterical! And explaining to the crowd why he can't do what they're telling him -- so typical of him. I am still laughing!

12:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh.my.gosh! That is tooooo cute. Priceless!!

And thanks for stopping by my blog. I declined the option of pulling the fire alarm; however that was a creative idea! LOL

12:03 AM  
Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

My 8-year-old never touches the ball either because we have a ball-hog (he's actually really good, but does not ever, ever, ever pass....it's all the way from one end of the court to the other, every play). Anyway, Bobby was getting so bored with basketball that we started paying him a dollar for every steal, rebound, etc. At least he has something to do to kill the time while Ballhog plays one-on-five...

4:21 PM  

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