Relaxation Weekend
Stellar Jenn and I cooking in the kitchen!
That's one huge cliff! Taking this picture was really hard for me! I do not like heights higher than my 5'8" frame, so this few hundred foot drop with no railing was a bit intimidating! I got as close as I could, but Ceito really took a peek over the thing!
See the little people down in there? This was just amazing stuff!
We slept until about 7:30 on Saturday, had a slow easy morning meal, hot tubbin', then I took my bald man shoes out for a 30 minute run (great ugly shoes!), then all 8 of us had massages. I had a 60 minute deep tissue massage right after my run and it was just awesome. I really wish I could have one of those every week! Then we went for a 3 hour hike through Old Man's cave up to Cedar Falls. It was so amazing. God just really went crazy on designing this place. Gorgeous day, gorgeous surroundings, good friends too! I also learned how to cook a few new things thanks to my great friend Betsy who can cook some incredible dishes. We played some fun games and watched a good movie too.
On the way home tonight Ceito decided to tell me that he saw a dead mouse and bat in the corner behind a cabinet. Thanks for holding off on that info until after we were gone. Reminds me of the triathlon I did at Buckeye Lake when he told me after the race was over that a piranha was found in the water.........ewww gross! Thanks though!
All in all a great weekend! Relaxing, fun, gorgeous!