Thursday, October 04, 2007

Slacking 101

Haven't blogged in over 2 weeks basically due to lack of time and very little energy. Between training and family and a very full school schedule for 4 more weeks I'm just burnt out by 8pm most nights. But, I have to put down a short blog about some of the slacking going on around me lately. Albeit short for now. It's just amazing how lazy some folks are and how dumb they think I really am! So, In the spirit of academia I have decided to give an impromptu lecture on how to be a good slacker. Not that I am one, just that I happen to have been one before, and really am overwhelmed by the amount of slacking I deal with on a day to day basis in a university setting.

1. Do everything in your power to keep your professor from calling on you in class. Put your head down really low, write non-stop even when she isn't talking, take large gulps of your coffee/pepsi/water/red bull.

2. Look really busy in lab, even when doing absolutely nothing other than copying notes from the last class you just blew off.

3. Ask the same question that someone else in the class already asked just in a different way.

4. During a staff meeting re-do agenda items that we already discussed last month because you didn't follow through with what you were supposed to do the first time around. (this happens every stinkin' month in our department meetings!)

5. Tell your professor that the reason your weekly computer homework isn't done is because your computer crashed. Try not to do this while she is standing in the middle of the brand spankin' new computer lab filled with 50 gorgeous computers that are free for use by any student on campus!

6. Whine about the amount of work you have to do by the end of the semester loud enough so your professor hears you. OOOHHHH this burns me up! This is a UNIVERSITY people, NOT HIGH SCHOOL!

7. Complain about how difficult the program exams are all. the. time. Yeah they won't complain when they come out of their national board exam....they'll thank me for challenging them!

8. Sit in the lab right in front of a huge pile of towels, gowns, shorts that need to be folded and put away and text message your friend sitting across the room! I'm not lyin' folks!

9. Leave the lab early at every possible opportunity then try and complete 6 skill check-offs one day before midterm practical exams. Then act really mad when professor tells you she cannot possibly do all of that in one day.

10. Come to class late every single day. Day after day after day. Then just saunter in like nothing's wrong with interrupting 22 other students trying to take a quiz in peace and quiet! Then plop down and proceed to get a 2/10 on your lovely quiz!

So, class that's all for you run for the door happy to be out early enough to get home to watch your soap operas!



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