Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm baaaaackk

Okay hold onto your hats, drawers, panties, whateve........You just won't believe it!!!

I have stepped into the 21st century.

I am right now typing this on my very own computer in my own home! Yep, you heard it she's finally gone and done it! I have plopped down a considerable amount of cash in the past 3 days! And it's been all worth it soooo far!

Although, I did have a teensy bit of buyers remorse earlier today when I was taking my shower and saw the wallpaper and ceiling that need to be re-done! But, hey I did it and I am happy kids!

So, what's been up with me? Well, not a whole heck of a lot!

This summer has been way too fast for my liking and I'm just not liking that school starts in less than 2 weeks! Training overall has been blah! I haven't been in the pool to do anything other than throw Winks and The Bug around for over 2 months. Running is going okay........I'm training for the Columbus 1/2 marathon.......yeah I know 1/2 is not a full............but I'm really feeling like that's going to be a good day, not an I'm gonna puke and be miserable when I lose my toenails kinda day!

Biking has been nil outside of the occasional cross training day on the stationary bike at the Y! Pretty sad isn't it??? Nope, it's not! I've been JUST RELAXING all summer! My kids have had a blast! We went on an 1800 mile road trip to many, many kid fun places! Once I get the kodak software loaded I'll post some pics. We just had a great time this summer, and I'm sad to see it end................just kidding.................get back to school you crazy kids!!!

Really, I'm looking forward to starting my 6th fall semester (WOW) And, I'm looking forward to the routine of the school year. I work well with routine and plans, I can only handle the lazin' around kinda schedule for so long.

So, it's good to be back and I'm hoping the someone is reading this.........because really I bet you all thought I just quit, but really I just used pen and paper, now I can tell you all the crazy stuff I've been thinking about!


Blogger Deborah said...

Yea!!!!!!!!! It's about time you stepped into the 21st century! I love that we now have DSL at home now and I can connect WIRELESSLY from my laptop to the Internet, SOOOOO, I also am now able to catch up on blogging. Check my blog in the next couple of days and I'll be caught up too! Love you!

10:25 AM  
Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Welcome back!!!!

11:47 AM  

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