Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Stupid Bra Rash

Ethically speaking I am pretty square. I never cut corners in regards to patient care, paying taxes, or in any area of my life.

I've pretty much always done everything on the up and up. I remember shop lifting some candy when I was about 5 years old, and I remember even more readily the embarassment I felt when my mom forced me back into the store before we even left the parking lot. You can read me like a book. My mother knew I had done something, and she sent me back in to make it right.

I cheated one time in school. It was 7th grade history and I had all the presidents written on the palm of my hand during a test. Pretty stupid! Especially since I asked to go to the bathroom right after the test. Teacher read me like a first time reader chapter book! Busted.

So, Imagine my current dilemma......I'm at Dillard's department store on Friday night. The kids were with grandpa and grandma and Ceito was at the football game. I have been needing some new girly necessary undergarments forever. This was the night. I was headed in to try on some dreaded bras. I hate trying on bras. The sizes are stupid and I'm a 'tweener so nothing fits right. I did try a 'tweener bra on but even that stupid thing was too big! Anyway, I finally found one that was acceptable, just so ya know! So, after that task I decided to check out the end of season sales racks. I found some great tops, a little white jacket, cute little shoes, and a skirt, along with the stupid bra. So, I was feelin' pretty good. Felt like I'd made some good bargain choices and it was already 9pm closing time so I headed to the check out. The girl at the register looked at my items and said,

"you don't happen to be paying with cash do you?"

"why yes I am paying with cash"

"well, I can give you a better deal then"

"great, Okay, bring it on"

"only thing is, you won't have a receipt, so you can't bring anything back"

"that's fine, i tried it all on, it all fits, even the stupid bra"


She bags all my stuff, looks at me at says, "how 'bout, ummm 50 dollars?"

"Sure, that sounds great" The stupid bra was 20 dollars just on it's own stupid self! I figured in my head it would all be about $100.00 before I even got to the register. So, I handed over my 50 dollar bill and was super excited! Leaving the store, I even saw someone I knew and told them about my good deal. They were excited for me. We both figured that the girl didn't want to ring it up on her drawer since in was closing time and she probably already tallied out her sales, so she gave me a manager's discount. DUMB, NIEVE, STUPID ME!!

I got home and excitedly told Ceito all about my great shopping trip. He looked me square in the eye and said......

"You know that girl has your 50 in her pocket right now don't you????"

It hit me like a deer running blindly into a car.......you idiot, you just shop lifted with permission!

I have always just expected everyone around me to be on the up and up. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So, I went on to explain how it was closing time and she just didn't want to change her sales tallies. But, then I realized she didn't open the drawer, she didn't put the "pop labels" on the back of each item (Dillard's requires these for returns). I had just shop lifted!

I've come to find out that our Dillard's is closing on Nov. 1st. I think I may have run into a disgruntled employee who could care less if she loses her job. I thought about calling the store today and telling them about it, but I'm not sure that would resolve anything. I feel pretty cheap, but I also just don't have any idea what to do with this situation. I've worn some of the stuff already, including the stupid bra, and have resolved to leave it alone.

I'm sure that my skin will burn every time I wear one of the articles of clothing, or I'll break my ankle when I wear the shoes!!

I may even develop a rash from the stupid bra.

Yep, I'm a shop lifter!


Blogger Deborah said...

You're not a shop-lifter, that clerk is a thief!

8:52 AM  
Blogger :) said...

kinda funny story though!

It's great that you are so innocent that you wouldn't even recognize this kind of scam... :)

10:41 AM  
Blogger Donald said...

In prison they probably give you regular ol' cow milk and that will take care of your tweener problem. No need for artificial enhancment.
Your Bro.

P.S. The Milk industry loves me.

8:47 PM  

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