Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My Favorite Recent Pictures

Big news over the weekend........Winks lost 2 teeth in one day!!! It was non-traumatic and actually non-dramatic which surprised Ceito and I. We were sure the first sight of blood would send him out for the count, but he handled it very well. Although, apparently a buck a tooth is NOT the going rate these days, as he expected $5.
This man truly is amazing! He is fun, loving, confident, passionate about life and just down right happy! I'm always amazed that God sent him to ME. Wow, life just wouldn't be what it is without this man! Love ya Ceito!

Went camping over Labor Day Weekend. This picture was taken at the sand volleyball courts, which really is just a great big sand box for these guys. The boy on the bottom in a year older than The Bug and his mother is in the picture below. We have decided that they would make a very nice couple in the future! Both are very sweet and pretty easy going kids....actually that could really be a dangerous situation!

My professional mentor, colleague, confidant, and friend! This lady is one of a kind!

Practicing for his Sunny-D advertising shot!

Here's one shot of the new do on The Bug. She still loves it and mommy is pretty happy with it too!

This was at a recent wedding of a cousin of Ceito's. It was a fun night, and don't we look cute?

Action shot of The Bug's new do......very aero don't you think?
I just was foolin' around and thought this was a good shot of my nostrils!

First Day of First Grade!! Oh what a day! His teacher is diabetic and she explained to the class that sometimes she has candy on her desk in case her blood sugar goes low. If she feels bad she may have to eat some candy, or take a blood test! Apparently the word "blood" make Winks faint! He passed out, fell out of the chair and hit his head on the floor. His teacher said he got right back up, straightened his glasses and sat back down in his seat! Poor kid! Everything is ok now, but he really gave the teacher a scare! We have been dealing with this for about a year now and medically he checks out fine. Just a sweet little spirit who doesn't care to hear about or see body functions! He once passed out while I was ready Dr Seuss' "Inside Your Outside"...a book all about the inside of your body. So, medical school I guess is out! That's a good thing in my opinion!!

Out for now!


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