Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hillbilly loses her mind!!

Along with the computer stuff came digital cable. Gotta say............wasn't crazy about the idea to begin with but boys and girls digital cable is well...........stunning!

I feel like I've been missing out on something I didn't know existed. You know, when you're a kid and don't have cool stuff, but really don't know that you don't have the cool stuff and so it's okay............well, I just wasn't cool until I got digital cable kids! Okay, so I'm still not cool, but I'm gettin' closer............ay??? Ain't I??? Humpf!!

I know most everyone reading this will say I'm wacked because I'm 36 years old and I'm all happy about digital cable. But, this is the Big-O..............no not that one............an O-asis! I just did 90 minutes of cross training and abs on the exercise TV free on demand! I'm tingling with excitement.

Warning...........this is what happens to someone after they have kids, get all wrap up in training and taking care of kids and husband and house and just forget about what cool stuff there is out there because you're also wrapped up in the finances of your 2 teacher bank-account and just can't manage any "extras"!

Okay, I'll come down off of my hillbilly-just-got-running-water high. But think of me and Ceito sitting in front of the TV watching diy network planning our new kitchen..........oh, yeah digital cable............much more expensive than the monthly bill from Time Warner. I'm bettin' I can rack up a huge kitchen project at about 30,000 smackers watching one episode of kitchen renovation!! No prob. at. all.

It's been raining for 4 days now. Ran 5 on sunday in the rain. It was very slow mostly due to the rain in the face discomfort, but also slow due to the fact that well, I'm slow! It was actually 5.5 door to door and ran it in 50, so that's okay for me. I'm enjoying the 1/2 marathon training much more than the full marathon training. It affords more time for strength training and cross training which yes I have been doing more of the past 2 weeks. Weight training, biking it's all good! The pool awaits me on Thursday where I hope to get in 1500 before doing aquatics for rehab patient's (yeah a new thing that I just couldn't say no to!)

So, this is my question of the day.................how do I teach my kids to cook lunch for themselves so I can watch FitTv and Gilad...............oh Gilad..................Gilad....................G-ilad!

Just kidding, about the Gilad part anyway!!


Blogger Deborah said...

No you weren't kidding!

Maybe you can find neighbor children that your children can go to their house to play near lunchtime. According to my neighbors that seems to work pretty well. Wait a minute, those are my grandchildren you're talking about - get in there and cook!

11:50 AM  

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