Friday, February 01, 2008

Catch up with me

I've been gone for a while so I'll catch you up with all my ins and outs.

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my mother-in-law. If you don't know she was diagnosed with uterine cancer about 6 weeks ago. She had surgery on this past Tuesday and we are so thrilled to report that the surgeon believes that the cancer was well contained and that all has been removed. She is recovering in the hospital in Cleveland and we expect her home tomorrow or Sunday. She did have a fever 2 days ago, but we have heard nothing come of it, so we are continuing to believe that she is well and is recovering quickly! So, thank you for your prayers.

Training is going well. I actually have decided to forego the TNT training schedule and use my reliable Higdon schedule. It makes more sense to me and it is easier to follow. The TNT schedule is on-line, but not all laid out. You have to open each day individually and it's a pain to find your right work-out in the mix of other schedules on the page. Higdon is proven for me as well (during the Disney), so I'm comfortable with it. I'm up to 7 miles and with tomorrow being my long day, it is also a drop back week, so I'll only do 5. We got an ice storm last night and this morning so I'll probably treadmill it in the morning.

My TNT fundraising is going pretty well. I'm up to $600.00, and have $1,000 to go. That's a little scary. I put a hold on the fundraising since the holidays, then with my mother-in-laws diagnosis I really was concerned about making any future plans. But, I have more letters ready to send out, and am confident that I will get it done.

I got an ipod for Christmas! Big news for me. I had an mp3 player, but it was stolen at the Y which really bummed me out. I did learn to run without the music though and that was big for me. I trained for the Columbus 1/2 marathon without the music or a watch and I really had a good time. So, the ipod also came with the running accessories. So now my left shoe talks to my ipod and it tracks my distance, and a nice little lady talks into my ear to give me pace and mileage. It's actually a really cool toy. Lance Armstrong actually talked to me last weekend after my 7 mile run..........."Hi, this is Lance Armstrong, congratulations on your longest run to date, keep up the good work" Well how ya like that??? It was cool, especially since it was not expected.

So, nothing humorous to share today. I'm sitting at school stewing about a big project that I have 2 weeks to finish. Now you may say, why is she on-line when she has a big project to work on? Well, it's because I have no idea where the project starts and my cohort is not here today. It's an on-line teaching program of which she has training on and I do not, and cannot progress without some guidance. So, I'm just here, doin' my thing, getting ready for my next class, spinnin' around the blogosphere.

Say good day to all!


Blogger Deborah said...

I want one of those! Could I hook it up on Penny too?

6:20 PM  

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