Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Crayons and Sam Walton

Well last night I embarked on the crazed world of school supply shopping. How in the world did my parents ever maintain school supplies for my brother and I? Actually, I don't think we ever had a list that compares to the one I began to check off last night.

First, the issue of Super Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart is a pit, a pit I'm telling you, a total pit!! I remember going to Wal-Mart in college (to buy hairspray of course..........loads of it!) and feeling like a kid in a candy store. So many things to look at and to consider purchasing! Now, that I am an adult with a tad bigger budget (but, not much), and two hungry and thirsty all the time little mongruls, Super Wal-Mart is just a huge, out-of my ability to comprehend pit!! Now you can buy bed sheets, hairspray, cat food and litter, trashbags, tampons, milk, diapers (none for me thanks!), baby food, cucumbers, frozen pizza (another sin), lettuce in a bag that dies in 24 hours if not eaten same day purchased (rip-off), more milk, o.j., pop-tarts (Ceito's nemesis), chicken breasts, coffee, bread, yards of fabric, toys, goes on and on..............all in the same cart!!! Or if you are my family the last time we all went in as a family we had two carts!! I promise you all I will never do that again!! I was hungry and tired, weakend by the needs of husband and 1 child who went to the bathroom not once but twice, then spent $225.00!! That's just I have $25.00 in my pocket to last me for another 11 days...........thank you Sam Walton!!!

So, anyhoo, back to the issue at supplies! Really, does a kindergardener really need 4 boxes of crayons? I have crayons in the play room that I've had for about 3 years, they still work. Come to think of it, my grams has crayons at her house that I think my mom used!! I don't think they called them crayola way back then, but they still work! And glue? His list had elmer's on it.......okay, 20cents for elmers went in the cart.......then.............10 large glue sticks????????????? What are these 5 year olds planning to glue? Why so much? Then folders........5 different folders, 5 different colors (mandated by the list of course), with 2 pockets, and the 3 little brad fasteners in the middle. Wow!! That's picky! I don't know what to think about the list, all I know is Winks better be bringing home some amazing coloring and it all needs to be glued to it's corresponding colored folder! Yikes. This is all just the beginning of the list. All-in-all said list has about 25 listed items, half of which I purchased last night at crazy Super Wal-Mart!

Then the uniforms. I am all for the uniform look. Easy to buy, easy to pick out in the morning and easy to deal with come school clothes shopping time (my mom would have loved uniforms too!), but the ad in the newspaper for wonderful Super Wal-Mart had the uniforms shown in the beautiful color ad, sizes listed included Winks sizes, and great price of $5.88 for short-sleeve shirts, shorts and pants, $6.88 for long sleeve shirts. So I looked and looked and looked and looked. We came out with 2 short sleeved shirts........that's it! Not because the budget was broke or Winks did not like the selection........there was no selection!!! We literally bought the only size 4/5 we found in the store. Surely there are other small kids going into kindergarten in our area? Or maybe not........childhood obesity is on the rise..........due in part to....................Super Wal-Mart!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Deborah said...

What, no paste?! What's the Winkster to eat when he gets hungry? Does anyone ask the school 'what in the world is my kindergartner going to do with four boxes of crayons?' And yes, we had Crayola crayons when I was in school. We also had school buses (sans horses), as well as ink pens that had nothing to do with quills, although some of our desks did have that little hole where the ink pot would have gone to use fountain pens, some twenty or thirty years before! In the 50s and 60s, public schools actually used up resources instead of throwing them away so they could have new every year!

I have to say that every fall I still get the urge to buy school supplies. Of course, it might have to do with the fact that every fall, I'm still going to school!

Take heart though, it's only the beginning. And think about the Wal-Mart visit on that first day when you release your little guy into the hands of the school system -- 'ahhhh, wasn't it just yesterday that I was marveling at his first smile?' Take pictures, the first day of school only happens once! And you can put it in his picture album on display when he graduates, which is just around the next corner!

7:10 AM  

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